CWFugitt wrote:
Evening Marshal,

The socks contain silver and another metal, such as aluminum, such that when they become moist, create a current that makes ionic silver and colloidal silver on the spot.

  That sounds high tech and efficient.

Can't you figure out the process so we could all do it?

From what I understand, all that is done is that the fabric has silver
and aluminum fibers woven into it at the time of weaving.  Then the sock
is made normally.  Not really high tech, but weaving the fabric and
making the sock would be a lot more wok then the cost. of purchasing it
made in Hong Kong by machines.
Or, ........would that be patent infringement?
I don't think there is a patent on it.  I have not seen any patent
references, and since it follows on the work of Robert Becker who
published the information on it a decade or so ago, is probably not
patentable at all.


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