From my own personal experience, CS can help a great deal, if one drinks enough frequently enough for long enough. But there are also serious considerations of diet modification to address (my weakness). Bacterial overgrowth of so called "bad" bacteria in the intestines, and intestinal candida are two things highly implicated in IBS so if the diet isn't adjusted to minimize those problems, CS will only help while it is*in* the intestinal tract. which it isn't for very long. It won't be a longterm "cure", as in you can stop the treatment and not have the IBS come back. In fact having dealth with the problem for at least 30 years, I don't even think diet and getting rid of overgrowth of pathogens in the intestines address the root causes, which can be different for different individuals (thyroid problems, adrenal problems, etc, etc.) One can also look into colon cleanses etc. if so inclined. CS enemas might be quite useful also.

Keithmj wrote:
Hi all..A woman that works for the same company that I do has irritable bowel syndrome and I was wondering if Colloidal Silver will take care of that for her? I didn't want to say anything to her about it until I was for sure. She is also allergic to rubber and latex. And she said she didn't start to have these problems until after her children were born..Thanks for any info on this..Cheers..Keithmj

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