To all who responded with suggestions and comments about aid to Iraq, many thanks.

Rather than take up too much "bandwidth" on that topic, I'll make only one "thanks, " and suggest that any further ideas -- especially more detailed ideas -- come to me directly. Much obliged!

Incidentally, the designer of the solar stove that I hope can do double duty as a water distiller is a fine gentleman by the name of Steven E. Jones, PhD, whom I count as a friend and courageous role model. Jones has taken a bit of a beating for his outspoken truth-telling, but in time he will be vindicated, barring a total political breakdown in the USA.

I mention Jones here in part because he former employer, BYU (which fired him for his 9/11 research) also has some scholars who've done hard research on EIS. The BYU research appeared several times in this list over the years.

Maybe it will turn out that a handful of LDS-members -- hard scientists all --- will create the stove/distiller/EIS device that will give poor people some of the most powerful health tools they'll ever have. (I'm not an LDS member so I'm not on a mission with this message!)

Thanks again.


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