Morning JBB,

At 07:11 AM 7/30/2007, you wrote:
Rather than take up too much "bandwidth" on that topic, I'll make only one "thanks, " and suggest that any further ideas -- especially more detailed ideas -- come to me directly. Much obliged!

 Why do that ?  We have the OT list.

 I am sure many are interested in this, me included.

Unless this project is secret, I would like to know more about the basic design.

I have studied solar collectors, solar cooking, and other phases of it for years. I doubt seriously that he has any new principles, just slightly different combinations of such.

My friend just came back from a primitive country whereas he makes several trips per year. Just when he started building the stoves there, the price of metal nearly doubled.

He told me about a water fall from 200 to 300 feet tall with a good flow rate. I told him he could borrow my book on water wheel design. So, ......... he has the energy source at hand.

Sounds like the perfect place for a water wheel.

There is nothing new under the sun.


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