On Sep 6, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Simon Jester wrote:

Okay, I am officially taking umbrage at the insistence of some poor dears here that medicine in particular and biology in general can really be called science.

What else would you call them?

Well, I suppose you could call biology a sort of soft science- there are just way too many variables and unknowns when dealing with living things.

Medicine I would definitely call a religion. I intend no offense to anyone here, especially those who may be MD's. This is my opinion based on my experiences with the doctors here.

Physics... that's science in theory, sometimes in practice
Chemistry...that is science in both ways
Geology....yes, on both counts
Engineering, a resounding YES, on both counts and particularly because it is so very pratical. Biology... now there you have WAY too many variables to control, so it can hardly be called a true science Medicine.... no way, it is half lies (even learned drs say only half of what they teach is true,

Ummm.. do you have any idea how many times what 'we' *knew* to be true in mathematics, or geology, or chemistry, etc, turned out to be *not* true?

The absolutely wonderful things about science is that we learn. Nothing is written in stone, it is not dogma, it is a field of study. Emphasis on study. It is a given that as we achieve more knowledge and information, we will change our ideas and opinions. Which is why we bother doing research at all, we are curious about something, and wish to see if we can learn any more. That is an essential quality of a real scientist, in my opinion. What often happens is that the result is the opposite of what had been expected, and a new breakthrough occurs. Or also, the "whoops- that's funny" .

got an example about the chemistry? I can think of geology examples; and even some advanced math topics that I don't think have been proven untrue, just that there are alternate explanations. If you are talking about biological chemistry, that doesn't count- see my rule above about too many variables.

I think what you are talking about is the distinction between 'Science' and 'Dogma'...

? True science is not dogmatic, it is vibrant and alive and changable, in so far as new info comes up. But yes, I see your point.

Science is supposed to simply be the organized, systematic search for truth, regardless of the field in which it is practiced.

I agree- that is why I went into it. Looking for truth. Doesn't mean we find it, but we know that. It is entertaining, though.

Most if not all of the problems with respect to science stem from becoming so personally invested in/attached to a belief in some theory that one loses their objectivity...

Yes, many fall into that trap.

I just do not understand why people do not like scientists.

The only problem I have is with 'corporate' or 'commercial' scientists who have abandoned the search for truth in favor of the pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Not that I am against pursuing wealth - not at all. As long as it doesn't come at the expense of the truth, I'm all for each of us accumulating as much as one is capable of.

Again, I agree, conflicts of interest are unscientific, and contaminate the field. It used to be less so, but in the last 20 years it has become a bigger problem. Now many medical publications are starting to declare the subsidies, and list the companies funding the study, and who the person works for, trying to get back some public trust. And everybody needs a little money.....as long as it is not at the expense of someone else.


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