> I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The box
says one
> side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a coffee maker) makes
> water and the other makes alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to
> Sound like a good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd
ask here
> first.  Thanks.
> Samm

Assuming you haven't left a zero of the price, I would have to say
that there must be something seriously wrong with that machine, and
you should stay well clear of it, just give me the address so that I
might avoid it as well ;-)

Seriously now, that sounds like a real bargain, as these machines can
cost up to $1500.00. Alkaline water is very good to drink, and the
acid water is good to wash fruit and veges in etc.
http://www.alkalife.com/  has some good information about alkaline
water in the science and health notes, also discusses water ionisers.

Regards - Ivan

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