> In a message dated 99-07-10 06:32:20 EDT, you write:
>> Drinking Alkaline water to remove acid wastes (including
>> uric acid) will dissolve some of the calcium phosphate
>> deposits and allow the ionic calcium to be reabsorbed into
>> the bones, potassium bicarbonate will also do this work.

> I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The
> box says one side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a
> coffee maker) makes acidic water and the other makes
> alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  Sound like a
> good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here
> first.  Thanks.
> Samm

The only one I have seen is over $1,000 bucks, so
either this is a GREAT deal, or it is junk.


Charles Marcus

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