ALA has been reported by some people to cause chelation of heavy metals, in particular mercury in one woman who posted on one list so we can be on the lookout for those symptoms if we take ALA. She was taking 600 mg all at once at the time, it mobilized the mercury and it re-deposited before she knew what was going on, and caused other symptoms. She has changed to using it in small doses several times a day, which does not cause the symptoms, since it is slowly released, and her body can easily handle the release of the toxins.


On Sep 19, 2007, at 12:25 AM, Brooks Bradley wrote:

In my answer to the lady's earlier inquiry about glaucoma protocols, I stated that we did not have any history of direct address to glaucoma research. While a true statement, I had forgotten that we DID have knowledge of some research which showed promise. Another research group had achieved measurable benefit from the use of a well-known nutritional substance, quite common in present use. This group announced this fact in their findings, and I quote: "Lipoic acid alleviates glaucoma (after one month of treatment with 150 mg of alpha lipoic acid per day 47% of persons with glaucoma exhibited improvement in visual acuity, visual field color acuity, visual field color discrimination, and increased lacrimal tear flow." ) Co-incidentally, this group established that Alpha Lipoic Acid ( at 400 to 600 mg daily) reduced the incidence of cataracts in diabetics. Upon reflection I believe that improved response to glaucoma would result from much higher levels of Alpha Lipoic (on the order of 1000 mg daily), than was achieved by our colleagues using a lower quantity. Since alpha lipoic is, in actuality, a nutrient......toxicity is not a consequential consideration------therefore, its use should not present a conflict to the older woman's existing health paradigms....possibly allowing for an effective suggestion by her family, or close associates....for using it. Our ongoing researches/evaluations of alpha lipoic are presenting us with an ever-increasing appreciation for its widespread benefits in human health. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. Harborne Research Foundation. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour

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