Hi Mike,

In July of '05, while having my first cup of coffee and reading something, I 
suddenly had flashing lights around my right eye. No injury to account for 
this. A bit later some big floaters were in my field of vision. I was in the 
eye doc's office (a first for me) an hour after I left the ER.
"Detaching vitrous humour".
Treatment: none

I added the herb Bilberry to my daily supps, more Vit C, and ramped up on 
natural Vit A (not beta carotene). I occasionally use Chuck's eye formula, 
basicly a 'tea' made with very warm CS and an eyebright capsule steeped in it, 
along with MSM, filtered through a natural coffee filter. Haven't tried the 
addition of DMSO yet.

Problem has not recurred, though occasionally a floater will swim up from the 
sidelines. No big deal with that.

I'm sorry I can't address the laser surgery. I wish you luck and the wisdom for 
the right decision!


> Greetings my friends,
> I had an interesting day today.
> Background: Late last week I was working under one of our cars and 
> managed to whap myself hard on the outer third of my left eyebrow and 
> eye with the handle of a screwdriver. (Note to self: a screwdriver is 
> not a pry bar...) Two days ago I noticed that I'd actually given myself 
> a bit of a black eye; the fold of skin between the eyelid and brow was 
> a little bruised and sore.
> This morning I noticed a few sparks of light along an arc on the left 
> margin of the vision in my left eye. I wasn't overly concerned, but 
> made a mental note to "keep an eye on them." (Pun intended.)  
> About noon I set out to do some errands. I'd just pulled up to a stop 
> light when I noticed a strange dark fluttering object flickering in and 
> out of existence on the dash board... Actually, it was in my left eye.
> Once I'd managed to focus on it, I realized I was seeing a perfectly 
> rendered image of a very small blood vessel bleeding into my eye. I was 
> literally seeing the tiny dots of red blood cells streaming out from a 
> point and dissipating, much like smoke from a chimney in a light 
> breeze. It left a diffused scattering of tiny translucent dots strewn 
> across my field of vision, which shifted back and forth with the 
> vitreous humor as I moved my head or shifted my eyes.
> Needless to say I was concerned. I called my wife on the cell phone and 
> told her what was going on. She volunteered to call the opthalmology 
> clinic she'd gone to before and see what they suggested. I ended up 
> with a 3:30 appointment.
> I finished my errands, meanwhile watching as the bleeding seemed to 
> stop and re-start several times over the next couple of hours.
> The exam (administered at various points by a resident, a medical 
> student, the attending physician and a laser specialist) did not reveal 
> the bleeding, which leads me to believe that it is truly microscopic in 
> scale and unlikely to be a major issue itself. However, they all did 
> find a torn spot on the inner, lower verge of my left retina, and some 
> posterior vitreous detachment to explain the bleeding and some of the 
> 'floaters.'
> One of the tests the resident did (look straight ahead, how many 
> fingers am I holding here... here... etc.) revealed a small gap in my 
> peripheral vision at the upper left edge of my left eye field, which I 
> don't remember noticing before and probably corresponds with the 
> current injury. 
> The doctors feel it is a good candidate for laser treatment to tack 
> down the edges of the area to prevent fluids from getting behind the 
> retina to cause further damage.
> To complete the picture: Interocular pressure was slightly high in my 
> *right* eye, not in the left. The retinas look otherwise healthy. The 
> nerves may have a slightly elevated "cup to disk ratio" which might be 
> a very early sign of other things like glaucoma... or nothing 
> significant. My corrected vision is still very good and clear.
> Since the exam I now have somewhat more "floaters" in my left eye, 
> including a rather extensive one right in the middle, possibly a 
> consequence of all the poking, probing, dilating and numbing, or else 
> an independent continuation of whatever is going on inside my eye.
> I'm scheduled for a laser repair Friday afternoon. I could have had it 
> done today, but, in the absence of a critical situation, I decided to 
> give myself time to do at least a little research before going ahead.
> Okay, folks, now's your chance...
> Pros and cons of laser treatment to tack the torn spot back down? 
> Should I rush, or give other things a try first?
> Alternative or complementary therapies that can stop or help repair the 
> damage?
> Long term strategies to prevent future problems?
> Anywhere else I should seek advice?
> In reviewing my archive of the list messages, I've seen some good 
> comments on the laser surgery; there's Chuck's concoction of CS, MSM, 
> DMSO, and eybright tincture (for floaters and general health); Marshall 
> mentioned "organic germanium" as a treatment for retinal detachment... 
> and I'm only back to 2002!
> Anybody know about this germanium? Source? Success with it?
> I've got all the stuff I need to do Chuck's therapy, except the 
> proverbial round 'tuit'. Maybe could have prevented some of this. 
> <sigh>
> Thank you in advance, folks. It's good to have such a resource to draw 
> on at need.
> Peace,
> Mike D.

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