Hi Mike,

You can borrow my round tuit for a while. I'm not using it.

Umm. Floaters. I would not do that if not necessary. and if not getting worse. 
I'd put in drops 
of CS plus salt . !/4 teaspoon of your choice of salt in a cup of tepid. Also 
lie on back with 
slices of cucumber (or minced cucumber) on the offended eye socket (or both if 
you prefer to 
fly on both wings) . Just doing the 'palming' a la Better Sight Without Glasses 
-- Harry 
Benjamin will help enormously. 

The light flashes take a long time to go away if ever. It is just that they 
were there before and 
you never noticed. Ever time you blink or press or even think about your eye 
there is a 
stimulus which causes a light display.


On 10 Oct 2007 at 23:48, M. G. Devour wrote about :
Subject : CS>Torn retina, laser treatment

> Greetings my friends,
> I had an interesting day today.
> Background: Late last week I was working under one of our cars and
> managed to whap myself hard on the outer third of my left eyebrow and
> eye with the handle of a screwdriver. (Note to self: a screwdriver is
> not a pry bar...) Two days ago I noticed that I'd actually given
> myself a bit of a black eye; the fold of skin between the eyelid and
> brow was a little bruised and sore.
> This morning I noticed a few sparks of light along an arc on the left
> margin of the vision in my left eye. I wasn't overly concerned, but
> made a mental note to "keep an eye on them." (Pun intended.)  
> About noon I set out to do some errands. I'd just pulled up to a stop
> light when I noticed a strange dark fluttering object flickering in
> and out of existence on the dash board... Actually, it was in my left
> eye.
> Once I'd managed to focus on it, I realized I was seeing a perfectly
> rendered image of a very small blood vessel bleeding into my eye. I
> was literally seeing the tiny dots of red blood cells streaming out
> from a point and dissipating, much like smoke from a chimney in a
> light breeze. It left a diffused scattering of tiny translucent dots
> strewn across my field of vision, which shifted back and forth with
> the vitreous humor as I moved my head or shifted my eyes.
> Needless to say I was concerned. I called my wife on the cell phone
> and told her what was going on. She volunteered to call the
> opthalmology clinic she'd gone to before and see what they suggested.
> I ended up with a 3:30 appointment.
> I finished my errands, meanwhile watching as the bleeding seemed to
> stop and re-start several times over the next couple of hours.
> The exam (administered at various points by a resident, a medical
> student, the attending physician and a laser specialist) did not
> reveal the bleeding, which leads me to believe that it is truly
> microscopic in scale and unlikely to be a major issue itself. However,
> they all did find a torn spot on the inner, lower verge of my left
> retina, and some posterior vitreous detachment to explain the bleeding
> and some of the 'floaters.'
> One of the tests the resident did (look straight ahead, how many
> fingers am I holding here... here... etc.) revealed a small gap in my
> peripheral vision at the upper left edge of my left eye field, which I
> don't remember noticing before and probably corresponds with the
> current injury. 
> The doctors feel it is a good candidate for laser treatment to tack
> down the edges of the area to prevent fluids from getting behind the
> retina to cause further damage.
> To complete the picture: Interocular pressure was slightly high in my
> *right* eye, not in the left. The retinas look otherwise healthy. The
> nerves may have a slightly elevated "cup to disk ratio" which might be
> a very early sign of other things like glaucoma... or nothing
> significant. My corrected vision is still very good and clear.
> Since the exam I now have somewhat more "floaters" in my left eye,
> including a rather extensive one right in the middle, possibly a
> consequence of all the poking, probing, dilating and numbing, or else
> an independent continuation of whatever is going on inside my eye.
> I'm scheduled for a laser repair Friday afternoon. I could have had it
> done today, but, in the absence of a critical situation, I decided to
> give myself time to do at least a little research before going ahead.
> Okay, folks, now's your chance...
> Pros and cons of laser treatment to tack the torn spot back down?
> Should I rush, or give other things a try first?
> Alternative or complementary therapies that can stop or help repair
> the damage?
> Long term strategies to prevent future problems?
> Anywhere else I should seek advice?
> In reviewing my archive of the list messages, I've seen some good
> comments on the laser surgery; there's Chuck's concoction of CS, MSM,
> DMSO, and eybright tincture (for floaters and general health);
> Marshall mentioned "organic germanium" as a treatment for retinal
> detachment... and I'm only back to 2002!
> Anybody know about this germanium? Source? Success with it?
> I've got all the stuff I need to do Chuck's therapy, except the 
> proverbial round 'tuit'. Maybe could have prevented some of this.
> <sigh>
> Thank you in advance, folks. It's good to have such a resource to draw
> on at need.
> Peace,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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