In a message dated 99-07-12 01:35:01 EDT, you write:

> > I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The
>  > box says one side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a
>  > coffee maker) makes acidic water and the other makes
>  > alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  Sound like a
>  > good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here
>  > first.  Thanks.
>  > Samm
>  The only one I have seen is over $1,000 bucks, so
>  either this is a GREAT deal, or it is junk.

    I bought one today.  It runs on 120V, looks like a big coffee maker and 
has two compartments -- one on the left and one on the right -- separated by 
a "diaphragm" that is white and porous and leaves a chalky substance on the 
fingers when rubbed.  On the acidic side, there are two long electrodes, 
about 1/3" diameter made of ferrite.  On the alkaline side, there are two 
made of stainless steel.  The machine has a four liter capacity and makes PH 
alkaline between 9-10 in about 10-15 minutes.  A phenylthaline (sp?) solution 
was supposed to have been enclosed for testing PH but the little bottle was 
    The only thing that for sure didn't work was the water spout!  I made the 
ionized water and depressed the alkaline knob to get water from the spout and 
nothing happened.  Same on the other side.  I emptied the water and looked 
underneath.  There was a lock knob for each spout.  I turned them to unlock 
and tried the tab levers again.  The plastic pieces that they move to press 
and release the water both broke.  It's as if the plastic is ancient.  I 
mentioned before that this ionizer and another were both collecting dust in 
the shop.  
     I plan to return the device tomorrow and try the other one.  If it is 
ancient too, I'll ask them to order a new one.  They said they can order 
more.  It appears to be a nice, well-made machine...... just old.  The spout 
mechanisms appear to be the weakest link in the chain.  So, does this sound 
like a real water ionizer?  I have no experience with them whatsoever.  

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