Stainless Steel  No, Platinum Yes. SS is too reactive. I am not an expert yet 
this is what I gleaned so far.

Dennis Lipter wrote:

> In a message dated 99-07-12 01:35:01 EDT, you write:
> > > I found a water ionizer at a Korean Food Store for $59.  The
> >  > box says one side of the machine (which looks somewhat like a
> >  > coffee maker) makes acidic water and the other makes
> >  > alkaline.  Would this be a good thing to have?  Sound like a
> >  > good price?  I can research this, I just thought I'd ask here
> >  > first.  Thanks.
> >  > Samm
> >
> >  The only one I have seen is over $1,000 bucks, so
> >  either this is a GREAT deal, or it is junk.
>     I bought one today.  It runs on 120V, looks like a big coffee maker and
> has two compartments -- one on the left and one on the right -- separated by
> a "diaphragm" that is white and porous and leaves a chalky substance on the
> fingers when rubbed.  On the acidic side, there are two long electrodes,
> about 1/3" diameter made of ferrite.  On the alkaline side, there are two
> made of stainless steel.  The machine has a four liter capacity and makes PH
> alkaline between 9-10 in about 10-15 minutes.  A phenylthaline (sp?) solution
> was supposed to have been enclosed for testing PH but the little bottle was
> empty.
>     The only thing that for sure didn't work was the water spout!  I made the
> ionized water and depressed the alkaline knob to get water from the spout and
> nothing happened.  Same on the other side.  I emptied the water and looked
> underneath.  There was a lock knob for each spout.  I turned them to unlock
> and tried the tab levers again.  The plastic pieces that they move to press
> and release the water both broke.  It's as if the plastic is ancient.  I
> mentioned before that this ionizer and another were both collecting dust in
> the shop.
>      I plan to return the device tomorrow and try the other one.  If it is
> ancient too, I'll ask them to order a new one.  They said they can order
> more.  It appears to be a nice, well-made machine...... just old.  The spout
> mechanisms appear to be the weakest link in the chain.  So, does this sound
> like a real water ionizer?  I have no experience with them whatsoever.
> Samm
> --
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