Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Hey Jess,
Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a century or more.


*/jessie70 <jessi...@optonline.net>/* wrote:

    Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess

        -----Original Message-----
        *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
        *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
        *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
        *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

        Hey Kathryn,
No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
        Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
        vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.

        */Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com>/* wrote:

            Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
            reading. The
            chronic fatigue part stood out for me.

            "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
            syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."

            It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
            and it may
            well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
            involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
            infections being
            implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
            conditions. Asthma
            can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
            residing in
            the strata in the western states.

            I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
            entrenched fungal
            infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
            began having die
            off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
            when exposed
            to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
            toxins in
            some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
            going on that
            the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
            something else, and
            the silver was doing quite a bit.

            fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
            fungal, I wonder?
            Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.

            And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
            seen "The
            Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
            and it seems
            like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
            and poisons
            deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
            becomes poisonous
            at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
            seems like the
            best idea.


            On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

            >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
            >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
            Virology Institute
            >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
            world could die
            >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
            human herd is
            >> about
            >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
            reasons, the dead
            >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.

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