I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hospital in Germany in 1957 they ran test after test and couldn't figure out what was happening. I was one of ten men that came down with it. Some had the rash and some didn't. We all had high fever and severe stomach cramps. After a week we were sent back to work. I never felt right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with the help of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic Fatigue, Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog) and I'm sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance. It even went so far that they wanted to remove the cartilage from my affected joints. After whipping the Lyme I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of Niacin to help the circulation of these things to the joints. If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the flush can be severe until you build up a resistance. Dave

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Dave wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

The first case dates back to 1883, but the "modern lyme" history begun in 1975. I was off by 10 years.


The EIS and the “Discovery” of Lyme
Modern Lyme history begins in 1975 when a mother in the town of Old Lyme, Connecticut reported the outbreak of a strange, multi-system disease. The town lies directly opposite the Plum Island biowarfare research lab where, according to former Justice official John Loftus, Nazi scientists brought to the US after WW2 may have test-dropped “poison ticks”. [vii] It should be noted that Loftus’ reputation for gathering accurate, hard-hitting information is strong – strong enough to bring down in disgrace the former Chancellor of Austria and Secretary-General of the UN Kurt Waldheim, after the latter’s wartime SS record was revealed.

See also:


US Govt Admits Lyme Disease a Bioweapon



Marshall Dudley wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


*/Marshall Dudley <mdud...@king-cart.com>/* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
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