Hey there, speak for thee...and not for we.   
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was going 
right since I was but a wee babe....or so my daddy used to tell me up until the 
day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me why I should do an 
about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski <kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net> wrote: Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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