Emerging Worlds: Chronic Illness and Viral Infections 
  ... of certain diseases like Small Pox and Polio but as one Senator recently 
... including New York-that received contaminated batches of the polio vaccine. 
www.emergingworlds.com/ch_vaccines.cfm - 41k - Cached   
     Vaccination Liberation Information 
  ... Regulatory Requirements for Historical and New Smallpox Vaccines " ... ( 
In fact, both small pox and polio immunization campaigns were followed 
initially ...
www.vaclib.org/basic/smallpoxindex.htm - 51k - Cached   
  The spurt in small pox cases, vaccine induced deaths and the emergence of the 
... Polio -- Lathyrus or Polio Nosode. Small Pox -- Variolinum. ...
www.whale.to/vaccines/chatterjee.html - 56k - Cached   
     Vaccines: An issue of trust. Misinformation and government foot ... 
  ... new vaccines is already high--a single dose of the newest, a vaccine ... 
vaccines containing thimerosal as a preservative, and the oral polio vaccine 
may ...
www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/July2001/Vax-AnIssueOfTrustPart1.htm - 129k - 
     Vaccines (PDF) 
  4. Marie decided against the relatively new chickenpox vaccine and ... An 
interesting history of the use of smallpox itself as a vaccination against 
small pox. ...
www.smccd.edu/accounts/boo/Vaccines.pdf - 152k - View as html   
     Autism and Immunizations 
  The new Pneumococcal vaccine, Prevnar, has good efficacy for meningitis and 
... 1999 FDA admits infants exposed to unsafe limits of mercury in the 
vaccines. ...
www.vaccinationnews.com/dailynews/July2002/Aut&Imm23.htm - 28k - Cached 

Simon Jester <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
  >> But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, 
>> Ode.

> Nonsense.

Admitted, and retracted... I apologize again for making this mistake. I 
still don't know what I read or how I got that into my head that you had 
said that... but...

> Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not 
> forced vaccination.

This is almost as bad - and you even said earlier something about 
SHOOTING those who may choose to reject your forced quarantine. WHO 
DECIDES? Who decides who is sick? Who decides which 'germs' qualify for 
'quarantine'? Who decides how long the quarantine read: DEPRIVATION OF 
THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY, aka, freedom of movement and locomotion - lasts?

George Bush? Or maybe you prefer Hillary Clinton?

> There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the 
> other is necessary.

Here is where we differ...

Assuming a pandemic is spreading... and that the goal is to try to 
minimize the spread of the disease as much as possible...

You would advocate the quarantining of everyone who refuses to be 

I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the 
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would 
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether 
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some 
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

Vaccination or nonvaccination would be irrelevant...

I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and efficacy 
of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves, right?) are so 
afraid of the unvaccinated.

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