A private, non-corporate 'employer' is free to do whatever he/she wants - hire and fire anyone they want, anytime they want, for any reason they want. Problem is, truly private 'employers' are rae these days.

Actually that is not true. Any employer, corporate or not, firing, or even refusing to hire, a person because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation (especially if the employee is gay), handicap, or nationality can be sued for huge amounts, and even prosecuted criminally.

Anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone, anytime, for anything, that is true.

And today, judges have no fear of reprisal for failure to follow the law... so, in that sense, you are correct.

But, in strict accordance with the law, the government does not have the Right to interfere with totally private contracts between private people.

Corporations do not have 'Rights', they only have governmentally bestowed privileges.

People have Rights.

But yes - since the judges couldn't care less what the laws actually say, and or apply to - yes, they could UNconstitutionally MIS-apply a law intended only at 'employers' (this is a legal word of art - meaning, it doesn't mean what you think it means) and/or 'employees' (another word of art) at private Americans.

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