So you are looking forward to the day when the medical industry has the power to jail - and even kill - people who you believe has some nysterious germ inside their body that you believe threatens your health somehow.

What in Hell gave you that idea?

Your words above, maybe? "You have no right to go out in public if you have the flu." Your words, not mine.

I certainly don't look forward to any of this.  Jeezo, get a grip!

Take the RED pill, then, because you are PROMOTING it, simply by suggesting that I don't have the Right to go out in public if I am 'sick' - because there is no other way to ENFORCE such a restriction.

I suppose you think you have a right to drive drunk too, ey?

An argument can be made that under the common law, if there is no ACTUAL damaged party, there is no crime.

However, people do have a LIMITED right to protect themselves by enacting laws against behavior that exhibits a reckless disregard for the safety of those around them, so, no, I would not claim such a right - my Rights stop where yours start.

You can refuse a vaccination, but then, stay at home making it "your" problem and not many many other peoples problem.

And again - if you and yours are vaccinated, WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?


terrain?  Define it.

The state of health (or lack thereof) of the body - the digestive tract, the eliminative and regulatory systems and organs, etc.

If the body is in a state of health - which is NOT the same thing as just the absence of any obvious evidence of disease - then disease cannot exist. Bechamp proved this beyond a doubt, and Royal Rife (among others) has confirmed it.

Quaratine is a solution...for everyone but the quarantined.

Quarantine is the embodiment of contradiction for those who believe in the efficacy of vaccines.

Why do YOU think people get sick and how do they communicate that illness?

Why do you think that some people *always* get sick when some bug is 'going around', and others *never* do. It is not because of any vaccine or lack - it is because the 'germs' are unable to get a foothold and replicate in a healthy body.

But this isn't my idea, or even opinion... again, and again - read anything on Antoine Bechamp...

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