Yeah, me too. Really, I want a vaccine against that nazi fascist attitude of the's pandemic, this abandonment of common sense and worship of paid experts to think for us.


--On 17 October 2007 15:23:05 -0700 Kurt Milkowski <> wrote:

I think Simon is just fed up with the nazi facist attitude of the public
as am I.


Richard <> wrote:

Simon, why are you so aggressive ? are you really a tough guy or
just pretending . ? What is a "pinch of salt " in your lingo ? Cheer
up or chill , please ! Richard
On 17/10/2007, at 18:40, Simon Jester wrote:

On 10/17/2007, Dave ( wrote:
Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much
different than yours.

When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the
manner and medium that he is, no, don't consider such a possibility.

If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily
'explain' this to him in person.

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