ionic or particulate, it's all actually colloidal.  ions are the smallest
possible particles.
clear home-brew CS can and does still have a certain amount of non-ion
particles, small ones not big enough to show color.
the debate goes on whether ions or particles work best for out
purposes...there's no definite answer.  both probably work, and i'm coming
around to the personal opinion that the ions aren't nearly as effective as
particles, so getting a little pale yellow should be a good thing.  you'll
still have some particles in that which you brew clear.
it's largely agreed that the ionic will not give you argyria ... it's
apparently larger particle buildup that does it, which mostly comes from
other silver compounds than what we make.  the stuff we make, EIS/CS, if
done with impure water full of assorted minerals and chemicals, and/or
over-cooked to be dark muddy, brownish/blackish, various colors, poses an
argyria danger if you drink enough.  how much is enough depends largely on
you, and it's all pretty speculative.

5ppm might be adequate for your eye treatment...why not try it?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Dianne France []
  Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2007 10:07 AM
  To: silver-list
  Subject: CS>silver production: ionic vs. colloidal

  I had given my daughter some cs and she was asking why it was clear
because I guess my son in law googled it and read the following:

  Companies that sell ionic silver claim that their product is "true
colloidal silver" in an attempt to confuse the buyer. Do not be fooled. If
the product is clear, then it is ionic silver, not a true silver colloid.
Colloidal particles, when present in sufficient concentration, absorb
visible light causing the colloid to exhibit an "apparent color". The
apparent color is the complement of the absorbed wavelength. Silver ions do
not absorb visible light and therefore appear as clear colorless liquids.

  My silver I am producing with the silverpuppy is clear.  Grant you I am
usually only producing 5ppm.  I have some on now that I intend to go to
10ppm so I can do the eye treatment.  I told my daughter that I thought it
had to be higher ppm's to show yellow.  Am I right?  I also was under the
impression that ionic silver is the culprit causing argyria.  I could well
have this all mixed up but would like to know more.
