Thanks, Duncan,

This good information does not include that people can be sensitive to all yeasts and fungi, and some can't take one if they have become sensitized to the other.

On Oct 26, 2007, at 12:18 PM, Duncan Crow wrote:

Gail, the no-yeast candida myth has been busted ;)

I did the search and found that science established long ago that
proteins in yeast cell walls have such similar components that
candida doesn't eat it, just as it doesn't eat its own kind. Live
yeast uses this natural candida immunity to good effect; it
outcompetes candida and is used in anti-candida probiotic for
that reason.

SOME broken cell wall debris thrown off by high temp cooking can
probably be used by candida and other organisms in a dysbiosis
condition but it won't amount to much. You're controlling the
dysbiosis and the candida anyway in a program so you can ignore
yeast unless you propose to use very high-volume processed yeast
smoothies, which would supply a bit more food by sheer weight. By
using inulin at the same time you control the dysbiosis anyway.
Actual practice by many on the candidasis list backs the science.


On 25 Oct 2007 at 16:26, Gail Naranjo wrote:

Patriot,  How does dead yeast build the immune system.
 I'm assuming this is NOT something for somebody with
candida??? thanks, gail

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