Hey Carol, you mean Guardakill?

Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  That's OK Kurt, they were planning mass innoculations of young women 
approaching their child bearing years here in the US as well.  However, they 
are not yet mandatory and both parents and doctors nationwide are questioning 
the widsom of this innoculation.  Weel, lets hope, that there is still hope. 

Kurt Milkowski <kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:    Like I was trying to 
say, vaccination causes disease. Chron's and MS are diseases caused by Borrelia 
Burgdoeferi, Borrelia Afzelii, Borellia Garinii, along with many other 
bacterial, viral pathogens AKA Lyme disease. Beware the needle.

Ian Davies <blackyme...@gmail.com> wrote:
    Hello everyone,
  I live in Spain but I am Scottish, I believe that Scotland has the highest 
incidence of Chrone's and of MS in the world, it is also apparently number two 
on the list for obesity second to the US , now they are going to vaccinate all 
girls from 12 to 18 against cervical cancer. What will their next number one 
  "IT is the first mass vaccination against cancer in Britain - and the result 
of Professor Ian Frazer's 20-year dedication to scientific progress. 
    The government announced yesterday that every girl between the ages of 12 
and 18 will receive an injection to combat cervical cancer. The programme will 
start next year and is expected to save hundreds of lives a year in the UK." 
  I wonder how many times Scotland has been targeted for such experiments...
  Ian {ô¿ô}

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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