Geez Wayne,

I was thinking about a small portable system for under $200.  ;-))
Still, my idea would allow one to do a lot of experimenting and 
could do a certain amount of data recording easily, but 
no computer/printer interface or anything like that.

I don't want to be too explicit about what-all it would do 
just in case I am able to get it made...


-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 10:52 AM
Subject: CS>One Wild CS Generator

Morning Dan,

 >> At 07:55 AM 11/2/2007, you wrote:
>It would have to incorporate a microprocessor and a 2 line LCD display 
>and a few switches because it would be programmable.

   Your idea sounds a little simpler than mine, and likely more

   I follow the logic.  I have lots, if not most of the work and the
programming already done.

I have the 4 line LCD working already, works on a different serial port
the main program, and will display 4 lines of data from the control
system, clear about every 30 seconds, and display 4 different lines.

Here is a picture.  Not the best picture, but you can read the data on
the LDC.

This could display all CS data,
Humidity of the room
current flow between electrodes
Light penetration of the CS

And...... anything else you can dream up.

In addition, the existing control system can control anything you want,
heat, air conditioning,  Wet Walls,  Pumps. and on an on.

In one version, I did an energy cost after each heating cycle and did in
fact data log this.

The system data logs everything it does, as often as you wish.

It will put the data into a common file or you can change one logical
field and enter a file name, then the data is written to that specific

It writes both a DBF file and a Binary file, Both.  How about that.  The
library to write the DBF cost $ 500.00 way back when.
But....... Excel reads a DBF.

It will do Day Reports and Night reports, and ......... would send data
to the internet, all automatically.

And also Spit out a half decent web page.

I thought way ahead building this system and software.

I patterned the configuration file after a system I sold years back that
cost $ 12,000 long ago.

You can change configuration, and ever stop the program.

The cat used to walk across the keyboard and stop the program.

So, ........ I had to write a keyboard handler to interpret every single
scan code the keyboard puts out.

Then, the cat could not do an  Alt /F 10, so he never stopped the
program again.

I meet many people that say they are programmers, not sure they know
what a programmer really is.

I ask them,  "have you ever written a keyboard handler".
If they say,  NO,  I don't consider them a real programmer, which is not
fair I know.

The sensors, analog converters, digital converters, ect would cost a lot
to build the dream system.  It would not be for sale.

The information learned doing this could likely be used for design of an
embedded controller,  maybe using single chip computers like the
Motorola  6811 or similar.

Another interesting thing, this works on a standard computer with zero

Communication is via a serial port and RS 485 converter.
Any item can work  4000 feet away and the maximum points
are 20,000.   Virtually no limit to the capability.

Yet, I use a $ 5.00 CS generator.
I could build a better one.  <grin>

Some would consider this a nightmare.  To others of us, it is more fun
than going to the Worlds Fair.

>   In one mode you could use any size electrodes, any amount of water, 
> and quality of water...

   True, and this monster could bottle it, refill the tank, and make
another batch.  We could furnish the government with CS and a few other

Here is the web page that is automatically made and was send FTP
automatic at regular intervals to my web site.

You will see a date on the file / web page, 1998 which was the last time
I had this working.  My ISP complained about something, all the phone
calls I guess.



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