Paula, forgive my ignorance, but how does one get along with no thyroid?  What 
do you have to take?  I ask because I have a thyroid problem also and I take a 
tiny amount of Levoxyl (I am a very small-dose person.).


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paula Perry 
  Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 7:16 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Nuclear Waste Task Force - Maps Links - Sierra Club

  Hi Deb.
  I looked at that . They say "rad experiments"  I believe that a rad is a unit 
of measurement for radiation. That must mean that they are experimenting with 
radiation. Unfortunately, I ask myself. How could they experiment without 
subject matter? If I am stupid I am sure someone will correct me. Radiation is 
what they call "nuclear medicine?" It produces waste.  At Ft. Belvoir they 
state "human radiation experiments". However, I wonder how you could experiment 
without radiation without humans.  When I was a baby I had three radiation 
treatments for an enlarged thymus. That is how I learned what a rad was, when 
the hospital was ordered to report it to me. It led to Thyroid problems and the 
removal of most of it.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Deborah Gerard 
    Sent: Friday, November 02, 2007 12:44 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Nuclear Waste Task Force - Maps Links - Sierra Club

    Wonder why so many VA Hospitals are listed?....deb

    Paula Perry <> wrote: 
      You can go to this page. Click the link titled "Deadly Nuclear Radiation 
Hazards" to pull up a map of the US. If you click on any area of the map it 
will take you to a page that will list all the nuclear activity for the area. 

      There is a book, Fighting Radiation & Chemical Pollutants with foods, 
herbs, & vitamins, by Steven R. Schechter, N.D.
      Highly recommend the book. It has a map in it that got me interested. 

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