Sorry, I should have been more clear. I do not intend on using Prill water
to generate my CS. I use only the best distilled water and have done so for
years and would never think of changing my method. But I sure appreciate the
I was asking Ode about the read out on my Hanna PWT when I measure my Prill
water. I made the Prill water with RO water but plan to change to distilled.

From: William Missett 
Date: 11/8/2007 12:13:25 P 
Using Prill Water to make CS imparts magnesium and possibly other salts to 
the CS mix, 
not a good idea unless you like turning blue. (I am a Prill water user) 
From: "S-Max" <> 
> Okay Ode. Can you help me out with this? 
> I have standing Prill water made with RO. 
> When I put my Hanna PWT in it reads 1 . 
> There are spaces after the 1. 
> Does it mean I have 1.0 uS? 
> It is is 1.0 why are there so many spaces after the 1? 
> I am going to make some Prill water using distilled. 
> It has to sit for 24 hours though. After that I will take a measurement. 
> S-Max 

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