it is some oxide of silver. I had that happen one time a few months back when I disconnected the resistor which keeps the current low enough to not do that. It is from not having any control on the current. If he put a resistor in the middle somewhere in series, that would not be as likely to happen. Mine is called a potentiometer, and I can set it where I want it, usually under 1 mA.

What I did was to put the electrodes, black gunk and all into a jar with fresh distilled water and left it for a few days (it turned back into cs all by itself). Then I decanted the clear solution, which ended up being *really* strong, watered it down with distilled water to be about 10 ppm- I do not like it too strong, my body has hissy fits. My son, otoh, liked the strong stuff as is.

When it finally settled down & I checked it after a couple of weeks, it read around 60 uS.


On Nov 9, 2007, at 1:14 PM, Dianne France wrote:

Our grown son decided he wanted to try and make his own cs generator.  His first batch made in less time than our silverpuppy and was much stronger but also had what looked like black fungus attached to the probes.  It didn't come off in the cs when he removed them.  Would his cs be safe?  Was this just too much energy to quickly and depleting the silver?

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