actually I just took my fingers and applied. The first time I took something to 
tie around my arm, but came off during the night so haven't bothered since.It 
might work better if you could compress (?) it.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: leslie1053 
  Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 8:10 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Treating Lipomas

  I am using DMSO with CS; forgot to mention the CS earlier. Before this I 
swabbed straight iodine on it. It looks like it has moved down a little going 
more underneath my arm. 

  I'll let ya'll know.
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Hanneke 
    Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 7:11 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Treating Lipomas

    Hi Leslie,

    How long have you been using the DMSO on the fatty tumor? 

    My experience about  2 years ago with putting DMSO on lipomas  looked 
initially promising but in the end the size didn't reduce. My skin got rather 
irritated, red, itchy, and scaly  which are rather normal side effects of 
putting undiluted DMSO on skin. They are minor effects though.

    Only yesterday, Rowena - also a member on this list - send me the following 
(thanks Rowena): 
      15. Sebaceous cysts are cysts which contain oily, fatty material. They 
      usually appear rather suddenly on the face or in the groin or labia. 
      in SSKI mixed 50-50 with DMSO will almost always persuade these cysts to 
      away in a week or two; it appears that the iodide "dissolves" the fatty, 
      oily material contained in the cysts, allowing your body to slowly 
      and dispose of it. The famous chemistry professor Louis Feiser made a 
      of demonstrating to all the medical students that iodine and iodide would 
      make oils, fats, and waxes (cholesterol is actually a wax) more soluble 
      water. This known action of iodide might likely explain why it might be 
      needed in patients with lipomas.

    I had applied iodine (Lugol's) for a period of time with no results, and 
the DMSO alone with no results.
    Now I have made a 50-50  Lugols/DMSO solution, only a tiny bit as it goes a 
long way, and am going to give that a go for 2 weeks, 3 weeks if I have the 
impression that changes are occurring. It is worth trying.  
    The only solution for getting rid of them is removal by surgery.  For some 
that is doable if one has only a few. 

    Keep us informed Leslie how you go with it.


    At 09:21 AM 4/12/2007, you wrote:

      I didn't know what a lipoma was so missing this discussion but I have a 
fatty tumor that I have been putting DMSO on but cannot tell any difference yet.
      I will be very interested to know if something might work better.


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