Nah, mine is manual, but it takes about 12 hours for me to do a quart or liter starting from scratch to around 12 or so ppm. I run it below 1mA to keep it clean. I have a current control so I don't have to watch it like a hawk like I used to do. I do keep a log (usually on envelopes or something) so I have some idea of when I turned it on.

I agree the 5 ppm stuff works good. When I said more is better, I meant more often is better if you are coming down sick.


On Dec 6, 2007, at 12:32 PM, kayedoe wrote:

Thanks for your input Wayne,

I'm not an advocate of high ppm cs, in my mind it just doesn't seem
necessary. I guess I should clarify that In my mind anything over 10
ppm is an overkill and a waste of good silver. I may be wrong, but as
someone else so eloquently said it I'm stickin to it  :O)

Again in my mind using anything over 10ppm, you fall into the old
adage, if this is good then more is better. We all know how dangerous
that mentality can be. IMHO, marketing strategies building a
foundation for high ppm cs sales is just that, HYPE, capitalizing on
the very same premise of more is better philosophy and literally
banking on the fact that statistically there are X number of people
that will get sucked right in to buying their product thinking it's

I'm using a silvergen auto. producing steam distilled water myself.

Geeze it seemed like it took forever! It was like 16.5 hrs. before the
generator final shut off. What the heck?????

One thing is for sure it had a much more distinct metal taste than all
other batches I have made so far. I noticed that immediately.

I have no idea what ppm the solution actually is. The generator data
sheet states that set at the high setting it can make up to 15ppm. So
who the heck know, criminy, maybe I am making the very kind of cs, I
was just chewing the bit about earlier..........

I seeded the water  with about about 16 oz of my previously made
batch. Guess I'll have to use more and keep a log book.

Anybody using automatic generators have input as to whether they
inherently take longer, as Wayne hinted too?


On 12/6/07, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:
Morning Kay,

At 09:28 AM 12/5/2007, you wrote:
Anybody making CS in
this qty? If so, how long is it taking to complete the process?

I have been making CS in Gallons for a few years. Someone may have told you, use a quantity of your CS to speed it up a bit. Up to one quart, but a pint will help. I still think many make CS stronger than needed. Time can range from 1 hour to 3 depending on a number of factors. Even the slightest variation in water quality can have an effect. This idea may be wrong, but I think some of the automatic generators will take longer also. I believe in constantly monitoring my process, from start to finish.

 I use nothing automatic, so monitoring is more important.



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