Well, my daughter checked 3 of the jars of CS I gave her a couple weeks ago 
when we finally got a load near her city.  Two of them had no Tyndall.  These 
jars had traveled in the truck for about 11 weeks.  They'd gotten warm and 
cold, but never below 45 I think.  I'm thinking that vibrating CS might have 
caused it to settle out.  Actually, on one jar of mine which had no Tyndall, 
there were 3 shiny silver round areas around the mouth of the jar.  (I forgot 
to use the salt method to test before pouring it all onto my plants.)  If being 
shaken causes settling, people should be sure to check when traveling.  I 
should learn the 3 nines method (I've had the clips and wires for months, just 
haven't been motivated enough, I guess.)  I'm going to put the CS in plastic 
....hope it does better.  


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