Could you tell me what the 6.5 means? It is an electrical measure, or ppm, or what?

Many have found that taking it right after making it is better, more bioactive, so you are not the only one to notice that.

Yes, I think that if you decant the clear stuff on the top before storage it will help keep the particle size smaller. It only makes sense. Nucleation and all that.


On Dec 8, 2007, at 10:52 AM, Pat wrote:

Yes, I've always made the CS with Deer Park distilled water. I just tested my six quarts of CS with laser and ph test strips. The distilled water was between 5.5 and 5.8. Most of the silver samples were 6. Out of six quarts, one showed no tyndall. I found one two year old jar of CS under the bathroom sink which had turned yellow, but it tested about the same as the rest. All that I make now just has a faint yellow tinge. Maybe my more recent fallout problem is because I've turned up the dial trying to make it stronger so I can bring less in the truck with me. I now make it around 6.5 on the Colloid Master AC dial whereas I used to make it at 5.5. All I have to go on for silver in the water is the Tyndall and the taste. I don't have any other testing equipment and really don't feel I need it; it doesn't seem to make much difference about the strength anyway and I use such differing amounts. ProbIem is, I can't tell if any silver is in there without a Tyndall. I quit filtering it several months ago and just pour out the bottom stuff into my flower pots when I get to the end of the jar. Every time I pull the electrodes out of the water, the crud falls off into the water. Do you think that if I separated the top part from all these particles soon after it's made that the silver would tend to make fewer larger particles?

I think CS is best right after it's seems to give me a bit of a zing.....could be my imagination, of course. One time I was so pleased at how much better my Explorer drove after I'd asked the mechanics to add a few pounds more air pressure to the tires after rotation. When I got home, my son checked the was at the exact same pressure as always.


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