Unfortunately I can't say anything to  disprove it and I won't say it's 
impossible either though I  doubt it. Nutrients are often antagonistic to each 
other. When  some ratios are thrown far out of kilter, deficiencies can  be 
antagonized. Calcium and magnesium are antagonistic towards each  other, copper 
zinc have a similar relationship, etc. This is a  real can of worms with 
silver because even many diehard proponents  hesitate to consider it for 
''essential'' nutrient status, let  alone something that needs to have a 
certain ratio 
to other nutrients.  Although I don't know of any definite antagonistic factors 
for silver/or  even one instance where I've seen that it needs a ratio to any 
other  nutrient, it's quite possible. All things considered though, I think 
it's  more likely this person is just making a bad assumption. Silver  may have 
a relationship with selenium we aren't clear on. It could  also be a case 
like that with selenium and mercury. There is no ratio  problem there [that we 
know of], only that selenium is known to bind to  mercury forming an insoluble 
compound that will be excreted  instead of absorbed. Considering how essential 
selenium is and how much  colloidal silver so many silver takers have 
regularly used for  many years, it seems that somebody would have noticed a 
problem  on here before. I think this person likely drew a poor conclusion but 
then  again, we're talking about a horse? Did I read that  right? Maybe the 
person is right but there is some major  difference in the horse when it comes 
silver tolerance or God only  knows what kind of stray variable. Medications, 
enzymatic processes, who  knows?  

>From the desk of: J. D.  Shafer-Author of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog- Bones 
STILL aren't made out  of Boniva- Read about what stands in your way when 
you're trying to absorb  the nutrients your bones ARE made of so you can avoid  
them:  _90+_ (http://journals.aol.com/ninetyplus4life/Capacity)   Other topics 
on 90+ include: Statin drug usage linked to  cancer, chromium's actual role in 
diabetes and USDA documentation of soil  depletion.

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