alchemysa wrote:
The article was on SBS television here in Australia last night. It looked like a Sota unit but who knows how recently he received that. I hope someone can find out more about what he's been drinking for most of the last 14 years. The trouble with using a '3-nines' system with tap water is not just that the you have a bunch of impurites. The problem is that the much higher electrical conductivity of the water means that thousands of times more silver gets dissolved into the water in a matter of minutes than would happen if you were running a 'current controlled' generator in pure water for hours.


That is not the only problem. If you have salt, you are not creating any colloid at all, and the colloid is a prophylactic against argyria. So it is the worst of all possibilities, silver compounds, high concentrations, and no colloidal component to stop it.


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