Actually, my experiments show that you can get pretty repeatable ppms in tap water if you monitor the current and use the Faraday calculations the first time. The brew time will be very short compared to using distilled water and current control at 1ma. (On the order of 1 to 5 minutes in a glass of water, if I remember correctly.) Conduction rates will not "run away" because the initial conduction is very high and won't appreciably increase before you get the appropriate amount of silver into the water. Still, you will get silver compounds, I expect. And if you don't measure and calculate first, you could get extreme amounts of silver in your product.

Many people are very naive. And some don't wish to think clearly about anything, so they will get themselves into trouble, one way or another.


alchemysa wrote:
The article was on SBS television here in Australia last night. It looked like a Sota unit but who knows how recently he received that. I hope someone can find out more about what he's been drinking for most of the last 14 years. The trouble with using a '3-nines' system with tap water is not just that the you have a bunch of impurites. The problem is that the much higher electrical conductivity of the water means that thousands of times more silver gets dissolved into the water in a matter of minutes than would happen if you were running a 'current controlled' generator in pure water for hours.


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