David:   Thanks for an absolutely smashing report.. I just love it.

Faith G.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: alchemysa 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 6:07 PM
  Subject: CS>Argyria yes. Other side effects no.

  Argyria is the real deal but the other side effects are speculation. A few 
months ago I  tracked the claims of seizures, neurological problems, kidney 
damage, indigestion, headaches, fatigue, etc, as far as I could and have found 
they were barely credible. 

  The FDA gets its info from the National Center for Complimentary and 
Alternative Medicine. http://nccam.nih.gov/health/alerts/silver/
  In turn, the NCCAM gets its info from the Natural Medicine Comprehensive 
Database. http://www.naturaldatabase.com 
  I subscribed to that service and found that most of the claims are based on 
the speculative idea that drinking colloidal silver might induce the same 
symptoms as Metal Fume Fever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_fume_fever  
Basically, metal fume fever is what you get if you inhale lungfulls of toxic 
metal fumes such as from welding galvanised iron or working in a metal foundry. 
  The other main reference listed in the NMCD database is 'Silver Products for 
Medical Indications, Risk benefit Assessment , Journal of Toxicology 1996 Fung 
and Bowen'. I couldnt find this paper anywhere on the net so I had to buy it 
from the National Library.
  Its 8 pages, almost entirely about argyria, but  with a couple of very 
unconvincing hypothesis', mentioned almost as an aside, that silver might cause 
other symptoms.  The trail for the source of these hypothesis' then gets even 
more blurred. But I think they are based on experiments in the mid 80's in 
which rats were fed high doses of silver nitrate every day  until they started 
to get a bit cranky. (About 140 days straight as I recall). Even the 
researchers in those experiments concluded that the doses were so high that 
they bore no relevence to a real human situation. 

  So in the end I'd have to say that the proof that silver causes side effects 
other than argyria is extremely unconvincing. 

  A few months ago here in Australia the TGA (our FDA) published an alert that 
colloidal silver had caused in an elderly man 'debilitating fatigue accompanied 
by blue skin discolouration, dilated cardiomyopathy, amnesia and incoherent 
speech.'  On three ocassions I asked the TGA  to add some reference to the 
alert that proves that silver could cause any of these symptons other than 
argyria. They couldn't, and in the end simply said that the doctors diagnosis 
was good enough for them. I asked 'How can a doctor make such a diagnosis when 
theres no research to prove that silver can cause such a thing?'  They had no 
answer for that other than "Go away".


    Fox News states:

    The FDA does not consider colloidal silver safe or effective to treat any 
disease or condition. In fact, taking it could have serious side effects, such 

    - Argyria - which is an irreversible blue-gray discoloration of your skin, 
nails and gums

    - Seizures and other neurological problems

    - Kidney damage

    - Indigestion

    - Headaches

    - Fatigue

    - Skin irritation