Morning David,

>> At 05:38 PM 12/22/2007, you wrote:

Sure, any old junk may 'work' but it also might give you argyria. Horse urine and muddy water is probably full of salt and hence highly conductive... bad idea.

  Something was in the air about a "Survival Situation".
In addition,  I meant only a few drops, not a 100 % solution.

I have read, that CS can be made in blood, beer, and soup, if that was all one had.

If one was dying, even Silver Chloride might have to be tolerated. One would rather be alive and not worry about the blue tint.

Which part of the 'technical crap' is crap Wayne? The bit about using pure water? Or the bit about keeping the current low maybe?
The main issue was the Salt use Exaggeration. Not sure who made it but it was
totally inaccurate and not true.

People have to wake up about this. The only proven safe CS is good quality clear CS, and no other alternatives should ever be suggested.

Again, you sound like a scientists and have not tried or tested properly what you are saying.

First, many people still use salt, ........... not a pinch but a drop or two of a controlled saline solution.

OK........ I found the block.  I think Ian wrote this.

>> Back in "the old days" when it was recommended to add salt to the process
>>  of making CS, can anyone who has been on the list for that long remember
>> people suffering adverse effects or were fewer benefits reported from its use?

I stated, this is not 100 % true.
Many idiots start making CS. Some do everything wrong, including the use of Salt.
Especially the ones that use a "Pinch of Salt".

Most do not have the eye, the instinct, or the knowledge to know or observe how one drop of saline would effect a batch.

I know many that still use saline. When I used it, my CS worked. The CS these people make works great also.

Salt used properly does not do the bad thing that Ian mentioned.
Used improperly, it may in fact do that.

=============  I think Jason wrote the block below, ....... long ago.

They don't. It's the process that creates a product ( when making CS with any water that is not pure ) that is the problem. The end result of using salt in production is a product that is filled with silver debris; flakes, particles too large to be held in suspension, etc.; hardly an oligodynamic product.

 The part about water is certainly true.

I have never seen the use of salt, properly, create the things listed above.
Many that use salt, cannot get a clue how the batch is progressing, current, or anything else. They are guessing, and allow the current to reach unnecessary
high limits.

When I started making CS, I knew nothing. If the silver list existed, I did not know about it then.

Without anyone telling me, I monitored the current on my first batch.
I kept a log relative to time and current flow, every 2.5 minutes.

Just checked my old log, and I even recorded the voltage on the probes.

I have always had a keen eye and can measure within .003 with the naked eye.
In case you do not know, the human hair is usually .0015 ......... some are a bit finer and some are a bit coarser.

Later when I started using an LED, I would reject water by the intensity of the LED.
I can detect 1 ma or close, by the LED intensity change.

My log shows that I started using CS as a starter after a few batches. Not sure where or how I learned that.

One man had a skin problem that many doctors and dermatologist had not been able to cure. The low ppm CS that I make eliminated the problem after 2 or 3 applications.

It has worked for many things, Saline or not, low ppm, low current, and it is clear with none of the sediment mentioned.

I still use a two bit generator I make for about 5 or 6 dollars. I send them to Africa, give them away and the silver wire also. Give away many in the USA.
I have purchased 200 feet of silver wire in about 8 or 9 years.

>> Which part of the 'technical crap' is crap Wayne?

This does not mean it is all false, but some of it is not true, in all cases.

I simply meant,.......... it is not necessary to know or use to make decent CS.
My 80 year old sister is an example. She can barely spell CS, yet she makes it a and gives it away, even travels around dressing peoples wounds.

One day I may decided to get technical, and change the way I do things.

And....... rest assured, I can build a CS generator that will make most of the ones on the market look like a 10 year old built them.

I urge all beginners to keep a log, measure what they can, and observe all they can.
Learn something, ....... enough to ask good questions for sure.

My first silver list message date back to late 1999 and early 2000.



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