We all know that much misinformation exists all over the internet, in books, web pages, documents, and all sorts of publications.

Not much finds it's way onto a list like this.

However sometimes it does.  A few items need addressing.

I define misinformation as anything incomplete, using the wrong term,
half truths, statements that are not true in all cases, and statements that should have
conditional statements attached.
In some cases
Not in all cases
Possibly, ......  and ....... a few others.

Normally only the feds and world organizations make it a practice to coin trick phrases that sound like the truth when they are not. Many exist but only 3 examples below.

Federal Reserve
The Fairness Doctrine
The Rights of a Child

Often we all may make a statement that is close to falling into the same category.

First thing to address, ..............

"The Old Method"

Young and Old
Up and Down
Fast and Slow
Soft and Hard      ( and many more )
all can only be defined with Fuzzy Logic.

This alone makes the term,  "The Old Method" barely worth discussing.
One could try, for a long, long, time and never get an acceptable definition for
"The Old Method".  The old methods for making CS go back much further than Stan
Jones or the beginning or the 9 volt battery ( Mid 50's, maybe 1954 or 1955 )

Definitely not the method of Stan Jones. We all defined his method in short order, "The fools method". No matter where he got his information, he got the results he disserved.

One other phrase that is in the class with the Feds guidelines..........

3 nines' equals about 764 ppm in ten minutes.

3 nines is a hardware item
Strange how it equals a result.
The 3 nines does nothing without mans hands and mind, a process.
It could have been 4 nines, 3 twelves,  or any combination.
To suggest that 3 Nines are bad, says my 52 volt system is double bad, and 100 VDC is even worse. The process is all that matters.

764 ppm is a result.  It may be misleading for several reasons.

It was not stated that these number were silver, but is a bit suggestive, and I suspect that many will think the numbers refer to silver.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
The result was a Witch Doctors Brew, a Devils Brew, a chemical soup of some kind, heaven only knows.

Of course these numbers prove most of my statements about ppm.
Tap water:  324ppm / 660uS
Pinch of salt added:  990ppm / 1950uS
After 30 minutes: 1330ppm / 2650uS
After 60mins: 1820ppm / 3450uS.

Awesome numbers to say the least.   Did you read Bean Soup or Chili ?

No true ppm meter exists. Even the ones with a ppm graduation have the math done inside to convert from microsiemens to ppm.

There is a movement in the instrument industry to standardize EC and ppm and have only one unit. Of course that will be a disaster.

Many of my technical growing friends have tried for years to use the EC meter to arrive at ppm. They cannot do it either. The only way is to carefully weigh the nutrients and calculate it. I got so tired of doing this, I wrote a program to do it, then even wrote one I called, "Backwards ppm Calculation". That is not joke. It does serve a purpose. Yes, I can calculate it both forward and backwards.

Where does that leave us ?  Not more confused I trust.

One more small thing............ <grin>

>> Would you have preferred I called it an Adaptor? ' It says 24v DC on the label. >> (My meter said was actually 29V DC). Splitting hairs over things like this just
>>  confuses people Wayne.

   What confuses them is not calling a Spade a Spade.

Call it what it is.
The definition of a transformer is relatively clear cut.
The definition of a power supply is also.

Of course I know, there are 1000 variations of each.
Some transformers are relatively fancy, have internal fuses, multiple winding on both the primary and secondary, allowing for different input voltages and providing a variety of output voltages.

Most do not know how tough the Wall Warts really are. I have seen every single bit of the plastic cover melt and disappear. The critters still work. Unbelievable.

Almost forgot this..............  From an old message by Jason
They don't. It's the process that creates a product ( when making CS with any water that is not pure ) that is the problem. The end result of using salt in production is a product that is filled with silver debris; flakes, particles too large to be held in suspension, etc.; hardly an oligodynamic product.

He should have stated, overuse of salt or improper use of salt.
I guess few people can do it right,...... either don't know how, are too lazy, unconcerned, or whatever.

I think Ian wrote the block below.
Back in "the old days" when it was recommended to add salt to the process of making CS, can anyone who has been on the list for that long remember people suffering adverse effects or were fewer benefits reported from its use?

I don't recall seeing much about the Fewer Benefits.
Again, he should have made a few qualifying statements.

At least he used "old days" not "Old Methods". Some would say it means the same.

I have never seen the things happen as described from using saline solution.

If I run out of CS, which seldom happens, I will use one or two drops of saline in 16 ounces of water, after completion will add that to one gallon.

I know people that use saline in every batch with no such problems.

I am generally opposed to people using improper units when ample units of weight and volume exist. I guess someone started the bit about using a pinch of salt.

And........ David,

I see your point and logic for doing the test. It served a good purpose for sure.
In addition, I agree with 98 % of everything you said.

I am only a nut for specifics and proper terms, whenever they apply and can be used.

I built my reputation and success by being very specific, absolute, and no guessing. Many customers have stood by me for 40 years plus. They would have tossed me out if I guessed. <grin> Of course I still error from time to time.

If I tell them  a Rooster can pull a wagon, they will hitch him up.

