I am new to this list and will admit to having very little information about 
CS.? I have MS and a friend who also has MS recommended I take a look at this 
stuff.? I am intrigued by what I am seeing, but I am also a little nervous 
about the pictures of "blue men", not that I have anything against the color 
blue I am just not sure I want to be that color. ;)? My friend suggested I come 
to this list and ask for information since this is not a site that is trying to 
sell me anything.? I hate going to sites and trying to sift through what is a 
legitimate statement and what is sales hype.

Any information you can share would be appreciated.? Do you use CS?? How long 
have you used it?? Has it helped?? What form do you use?? Where is a good place 
to purchase it (hopefully without costing an arm and a leg)?? And last, but not 
least, are you "true blue?"

Thanks in advance for any information.

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