I have taken CS for about 8 years.  I think it is wonderful.  I don't want to 
be without it.  I have blue fingernails and would take it still.  Also gold.
  I started MMS about a month ago.  While CS kept things in check, and made 
life bearable, (In other words I don't spend all my time and money at the Dr.s 
office anymore.) with MMS I feel like I'm improving more rapidly.   I think an 
excellent example of this is that I was taking L-5HTP, 300mg, 3X daily when I 
started and now I only take 300mg occasionally.  That is a major shift in 
depression.  I find myself volunteering for new projects, and am a lot better 
in social situations.  I notice that MMS will knock out a cold more quickly 
than CS. 
  If it's possible that you could have ever been bitten by any tick, fly, or 
mosquito, or have had sex with anyone who was, maybe your parent or parents 
might have been....you might want to give MMS another look.  At least look at 
it with an open mind, something I would think a group like this would be more 
than willing to do.  C

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