> No, you don't 'know' this, you simply know that this
> guy SAID this...


> I can produce a refuting opinion...from a man that used
> it (in conjunction with a ntural diet) to CURE many
> problems, from arthritis to persistent skin problems TO
> ULCERS (which this guy says CAUSES ulcers) etc etc.
> Paul Bragg praised its benefits and lived to the ripe
> old age of ninety something until he died - from a
> surfing
> accident, no less (imagine a ninety year old guy
> surfing).

My Grandfather lived to 94 and built a garden shed the week he died.
He didn't take ACV, or anything else for that matter.

> According to him, ALL of the research condemning apple
> cider vinegar comes from data relative to DISTILLED
> vinegar. You have seen it. It is a clear, amber color,
> and says 'Apple Cider Vinegar' on the label. It is on
> the shelves of most grocery stores. It is distilled,
> and is a highly toxic poison.

I have never seen distilled vinegar, only naturally brewed and

> Dr. Braggs (N.D., PhD. if it matters to anyone)
> research of RAW apple cider vinegar proves that, in his
> own words, "Pure natural undistilled cider vinegar can
> really be called one of natures most perfect foods." It
> is the best source of natural potassium there is.
> Many people do not know that one of the things Dr
> Alexis Carrol used in his experiment with the chicken
> heart (kept it alive for 30 years, when its normal
> lifespan was 7 or 8) was raw apple cider vinegar, for
> its potassium benefits.

And he changed the solution in which it was immersed every day, thus
disposing of the cellular wastes. The heart stopped beating when the
changing of this solution was negleted.
I do not 'know' this, just about it :-)

> Since:
> 1) This guy you quoted did NOT differentiate between
> distilled and RAW apple cider vinegar, and
> 2) Dr Bragg agrees with EVERY POINT this guy makes, but
> only with respect to the DISTILLED vinegars (there are
> two main kinds - distilled apple cider, and a distilled
> IMITATION vinegar made from COAL TAR (this is what most
> people know as 'white' vinegar), and
> 3) RAW apple cider vinegar is mainly MALIC acid, NOT
> Acetic
> acid (there may be SOME naturally occurring acetic acid
> in it, but it is definitely NOT its main constituent,
> as you lead us to believe),

What are the proportions then? Vinegar must have a certain acetic acid
content by your law, no?

> I think it is obvious that this guy was either only
> looking at the distilled varieties of vinegar, or was
> using data that had been derived only from distilled
> vinegars.

Well to be honest, he says nothing about distilled vinegar and does
mention that each vinegar has its own particular taste due to the
traces of unfermented fruit which remains mixed with the acetic acid.
Couldn't be distilled then, could it?

> So, people, do your own research and make up your OWN
> minds...


Thanks for the info. Looks like this stuff deserves further
Any links to studies of its effects and actions other than from those
that sell it?
Getting back to the origonal point, do you agree that by taking RACV
that the acidity total of the body is raised?

Regards - Ivan

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