Non-nutrative sweetner , Is it a phony  ?

  So you want a phony sweetner?

  A phony food  and
  A phony drink ?

  Then a phony politician and a phony leader and a president  ?
  Stand by, you may get one of those also.

  Then a phony dollar and
   A phony barrel of oil ?   ( or just a phony price )

  What about an ounce of gold,  or just a phony price ?

  Likely the ounce of silver is the best buy today.

Not to mention the phony government policy and immigration policy.
What is phony and what is real ?  Nothing real it appears.

   The main idea is relative to phony sweetners.

It is obvious that no one knows the real dangers of the phony sweetners, nothing is ever said.

   And I don't mean the toxic and poison items that are always talked about.

   Keep throwing phony things at the body and it will respond with
Curve Balls to you. It always has and always will.

There is no need for a phony sweetner, real ones exist, and some are loaded with nutrients and minerals.

Many of the masses have deteriorated taste buds and a sense of smell.
This is documented and the numbers are great.

I tell everyone, "Your sense of smell and sense of taste is killing you".
Why do you not read about this ?  It is a secret ?  Ask your phony doctor !

I watch people eat with great interest, observation, and analysis.
All the things I have mentioned are obvious, they are killing them selves without the help or the doctor or the poison drugs. Enough poison is in the food to do it. Yes, they use many times the normal of all sweetners.

If coffee it bitter, I can use 1/16 tsp of sugar and kill the bitter taste and taste the slight sweet taste. I see some people use multiple TBS of sugar in one cup of coffee. What a disaster.

If you have not already destroyed the body communications, and all the senses, you might have a chance to use real sweetners. If you think that a little real sweetner will hurt you, you are already in very bad shape and need to correct some metabolism problems.

I see people use 20, 50, and 100 times the sweetening normally  required.

One person sweetened his coffee with some phony crap, got it mixed up and gave it to me. It was sweet enough to kill a horse, I would not drink the stuff for $ 100.00. What little I drink, I drink it black, no cream, no sugar.

Do some research and find out what the genius body control and communications does when you throw it phony stuff, especially sweetners.

If you have already destroyed the taste buds, the sense of smell and the body communications are greatly impaired, you are doomed anyway.

Again, the body gets a bit upset with all the phony stuff, and does in fact respond to the phony sensations.



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