So whats wrong with a little eugenics and genocide anyway? For whatever reason 
the truth has never been a popular subject. Theres just no profit in the truth.

joe bloggs <> wrote:
      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    
compulsory vaccines
genetically modified food
eu legislation outlawing certain concentrations of vitamins and minerals
food labelling ARE YOU SERIOUS?

There's a world of difference between taking responsibility for our own health
and becoming outlaws and criminals, needing to break the law to get the
natural stuff that has been stolen by the authorities, i.e. unpasturised milk.

Or the need to lie to avoid having our babies compulsorily vaccinated.  What's
that all about Ode?  All this compulsory vaccinations that's going on right
now?  If YOU want to be vaccinated and believe the vaccines has 'saved millions 
of lives', fine.  there are many who have seen through that particular
lie, so it SHOLD be fine to refuse.   But it isn't in some States, is it?
Parents have been threatened with imprisonment if they refuse the vaccines
for their children.  Yes, you can say they still have a choice - imprisonment
or allow their children to be vaccinated.

Arnold, you say the world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.  I
disagree and find your low opinion of the human race rather sad.


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