My Forum Friends .. I haven’t had much time to delve into the different topics 
lately; establishing the Practice here, interviews (not with Oprah but yessss – 
on regional TV!), a teacher’s job in an Anthroposofical school (Rudolf Steiner 
philosophy) – I do read, following threads, and then go on working.
The Blue man (and his appearance in Oprah’s program) got my attention, and 
inspired me to write this:
I would not be too worried about it. CS will not be hurt by his show .. on the 
contrary. If Oprah is well prepared as I believe she is, and knows what the 
cause of his ‘being blue’ is, then she will give the right answers and she will 
make it known that ill-use of anything (like using water from the tap instead 
of distilled, clean water, processing CS) is wrong, bad and dangerous. Is Oprah 
well informed? I shall not see the program .. it is a bit difficult from where 
we live. I believe she is well informed, or she would not be so successful. 
Look: Every achievement was usually preceded by failure. What happened to 
Edison’s first light bulb (wrought with so much trouble, patience and deep 
thought)? It fell from the hands of his apprentice and was destroyed, and 
Thomas Alpha had to do it all over again. What happened to most of the 
successful millionaires? They knew extreme poverty before working themselves up 
to their status. Are you aware of Marconi’s troubles before he established 
wireless contact between Britain and the U.S.? 
You will find this phenomenon in every layer of development of our culture: 
Preceded by failure (or any kind of threat) is any success, establishment or 
Know that fear paralyzes, and that faith is the balm for all insecurity – 
surely for something as trivial as a Blue man’s appearance on a widely seen 
talk show.
So let’s look at this occurrence from the positive side – it MUST happen, and 
it will do no harm. Is Oprah’s program still due? Or was it already on the 
screen? I am very keen at the outcome of “Blue man’s” appearance, but there is 
no doubt in my mind that it will only serve us, who mean well and have already 
done great things, serving our suffering fellowmen with the application of 
Colloidal Silver. 
Guarne, in Colombia
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