The same people are pulling her strings that are pulling all the other whores 
out there. [men and women included in the whore remark] I hope everyone here 
has realized the news and other programs are fairy tales.

Dee <> wrote:      v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)  }     
 v\:* {   BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)  }        
PLAINTXT-NONE-0000-0000-000000000000    ;              Also, I don't think they 
really research into things like this either.  It is much more the impact of 
his blue face and the distress it will have deemed to cause him, that will set 
the tone of the interview I am guessing.  Maybe I will be wrong, and she will 
be different to other similar type things I have watched.  Like the cases of 
when dogs have killed children; no-one looks into the proper story to find out 
exactly what happened and where the fault lay.  The dog is killed period, and 
it is likely that all members of that particular breed will be banned, never 
mind how many have saved childrens or peoples lives before this particular 
incident.  Dee 
    -------Original Message-------
    From: Wayne Fugitt
  Date: 17/02/2008 19:33:21
  Subject: CS>Who Controls Oprah ?

Evening Dee,

  But will she?  I think it far more likely she will sympathize with him.  

 I am not saying Oprah is controlled.

 Is she a Journalists ?   Not really, but I think some of the things that apply 
to a journalist apply to her, and most others that have entertainment programs, 
just like they apply to news commentators, and ........ True Jornalistst, if 
any exist.

So, What do I reference ?

The Dean of Journalism from the New York times made a statement talking to 
several hundred journalists, .............
( many years back, I have the speech someplace )

"Not a man here can say what he believes or what he thinks".

"If he did, he would not have a job tomorrow".