Larry wrote:
 >>many, if not most, sheeple are helpless.. can't be helped anyway,<<
.. I see a lot about “sheeples” on the Forum these days .. 
It was a Hindu shopkeeper who once told me: There are so many (sheep) who need 
a leader and go blindly after him. We can (still) not all be Free Thinkers
Do we realize that this was one of the reasons 6 million Jews were murdered by 
a fool some fifty years ago?
In my 22 years as a schoolteacher, and ever after those years I’ll keep trying 
to open the eyes of the ‘sheeples’ amongst us. In the new Age (not to come, it 
has already come .. we’re in the midst of it) we must be Free Thinkers –one of 
the good things amongst others, Scientology teaches to its followers-. We must 
be as many little circles as there are people on the globe, working in 
TOGETHERNESS, not COMPETING. There is no other way we can work ourselves out of 
the eons we lag behind on the cultures on those other planets in this vast, 
enigmatic Universe that is ours to share, those who are so anxious for us to 
progress (like Great God and all the enlightened Teachers want us to progress.)
Alas! We are people .. and as loudly as I cried out just now that “..we must be 
Free Thinkers..” as loudly were we taught during our classes in Metaphysics (10 
years in sequence) that ‘ may go on preaching .. indeed you MUST .. yet .. 
you will reach the hearts of only a very small percentage of your audience .. 
two, or three percent is much .. yet be glad you did .. they will be sheep no 
more, and they will carry on the work.
Is it bad to be ‘sheeples’? No Siree. It is human. It takes guts, and lots of 
it, to free oneself of the sheep-mentality and go on towards a better world, 
which is due and which will eventually come.
FaithStFrancis faith … add knowledge.. (Ronald Beesley, White Lodge, England)
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