On the news last night they said that some local hospitals have suspended visiting hours. They found that most visitors were coming back a few days later as patients.


Kurt Milkowski wrote:
Good place to stay the hell away from would be the hospital, unless you want to add a little MRSA infection to the mix. Kurt

*/Clayton Family <clay...@skypoint.com>/* wrote:

    thanks for the head's up- what state are you in?

    On Feb 20, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Pat wrote:

    > The CDC is reporting widespread flu in most states. Tonight we
    had to
    > go to the emergency room to see my father in law who was in there
    > because he just wasn't feeling right. The clerk at the desk said
    > there are no beds available for all the patients with flu, vomiting
    > and diarrhea and their dehydration. She said they'd set up beds in
    > the ER waiting room, and in the other waiting room (where I
    was), they
    > were putting patients waiting for a bed in the ER. Excuse me
    while I
    > go pickle myself in colloidal silver.
    > Pat

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