Hi Vilik,

In part Brooks posted the following, is this what you were refering

"...  The original problem manifested as a result of our fruitless
search for some effective procedure for attacking the bi-lateral form
of those bacterial pneumonias which have proved non-responsive to all
of the anti-biotic protocols.  This challenge has been especially dear
to our hearts since one of our engineers lost his 47 year old wife (a
wonderful school teacher), at the age of 47--------nine years ago.
        We have used this system on 3 volunteers----and this
only----within the past four weeks.  However, we have been absolutely
astounded by the results.   One 75 year old ashma sufferer, unable to
gain more than momentary relief during the past 8 years, was able to
dispense with his very labor-intensive (unbelieveably costly)
hospice-assisted protocols............18 days after undertaking this
protocol.  We now suspect that his ashma was the result of some form
of secondary bacterial  pathogen......this because of the speed and
degree of his recovery..."

If it is, and you need a copy of the protocol, let me know, I'm
assuming Brooks would not mind?

Good luck - Ivan

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