Well, It seems that it is indeed the copper, which is staining, not the CS.
I've stopped
"swishing" the copper.

The copper seems to be working.   I've been using a dropper, and putting a
mix of CS and
copper in my ears twice a day, and the vague ear aches I've been having seem
to have dropped

The second day of using the copper, my mouth was REALLY sore, the third day,
though, the
yeast cracks at the corner of my mouth were gone, as were the white s pots
on my tongue (thrush)

The vaginal itching has dropped off remarkably, and I am not dragging tired
like I was, so I feel
that it is working.

Also, I am completely off all ABX at the moment, taking only the silver and
the copper, along with
some vitamines and enzymes.    The big change, is taking only the CS, I took
the supplements
right along with the ABX.         It's been almost 2 weeks now that I've
been off the ABX, the first
without the silver, the 2nd with.   So far so good.  Little joint pain, not
overly tired, and very little
brain fog.   YAY!!!

>I sure would be interested in the copper and yeast thing.  can you report
>anything about that yet???  Keep us posted, OK?  My teeth have never been
>stained with CS however I have never used copper so maybe it is the copper.
>My counters get stained too sometimes when I am making lots of it so I
>it could stain your teeth, but I have used an awful lot in my mouth with
>ater pick and all and never had a problem.

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