When i started on CS at the beginning of the year the cat started on it
also.  In April she had kittens and by the time they opened their eyes
they looked like they should be running because they were so big.  They
are 14 weeks old now and are big cats, but are still kittens.  They are
indoor/outdoor cats and_yes_they do have fleas.  They weigh (not on an
accurate scale) 3-4lbs + and are very gentile.

They have a choice of water and prefer water without CS and are still
very healthy.

It is my belief that the reason they are so big and mellow is they
started life without pathogens.

I wrote this because someone said their CS cats don't have fleas.

If i used the wrong terminology in this mail it's because i have more
important things to do and remember.  If it works fine, i don't have to
remember why.

I have been vegan and vegetarian and knew what and why i was doing at
the time.  I can still do that but don't ask me what vitamins and
minerals are in a particular food.  I only know how to mix and match.

so what


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