>From my X-Ray Tech Friend Andrea:
  "That is really interesting...the kind of digital sensor Dan is talking about 
is called CR (computed radiography) We have had it at the hospital for the last 
5-6 years.  We haven't had "film" in a while.
  As far as the radiation being low....I would still have a lead apron on, 
regardless of what ever kind of x-rays there are.  We were taught that there is 
really no safe radiation.  The doctors has to weigh the option of will the 
testing (x-rays) beneficial enough for diagnosing and treating you, as to the 
exposure you may receive by having xrays done.
  Some people doesn't realize that they are exposed to more radiation by 
everyday things than what the exposure they receive in an actual diagnostic 
test...ie..the sunbather that is laying out everyday....
  As far as the thyroid being affected by radiation..yes it is important to 
protect it, by all means, but also people don't realize that the corneas (eyes) 
are the most radiation sensitive part of our bodies.
  I am sorry to hear about Dianne's father, but the preliminary chest xray that 
was done for his prostate cancer may have been a life saver for him.  It 
sounded like it was a very aggressive cancer that was in his lung.  Once the 
cancer gets into the lymph nodes, well that is when it starts to metastasize 
into other organs in the body. It sounds like they had to do a very radical 
radiation treatment for his cancer.  I am glad they caught it in time."

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari 

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