You will run into several controversies converning cs. One is about
.999 vs .9999 vs .99999 silver. Some people believe .999 is not pure
enough, but the reality is that the vast majority of cs makers you will
talk to on the List use .999, and none of them have suffered, that I
know of. There is varied opinion over heating the water or not,
distilled water vs spring or filtered or deionized, etc., clear vs
colored water (the finished product), 27 volts vs 36 volts (3 batteries
vs 4), what dosage to take internally, what health problems cs is
effective against, low voltage vs high voltage, etc., etc.

I use 3 9-volt batteries, connected in series to make 27 volts. Two
insulated wires, plus (+) and minus (-), run about 12 inches to
rubber-covered alligator clips. I use two 6-inch long .999 pure silver
wires, bent at the ends like a shepherds hook so the wires (16-gauge)
can be hung down into the distilled water (cold) from the edge of the
glass jar (16-ounce). I connect the alligator clips to the short ends
of the hooks which are hanging down on the outside of the jar. I leave
them in the water for two hours, switching the clips on the two wires
after one hour. If you want, you can solder a 27 - 30 volt bulb
(flashlite size) in the middle of one of the wires (so you can touch
the two alligator clips together and light up the bulb to see how
strong the batteries are), or you can just touch the alligator clips to
the + and - parts of the loose bulb periodically. The batteries, I'm
told, last for a year. 

With this simple apparatus, I am having amazing results with my clients
and my family.

For silver wire, call 1-800-262-5367. You can get 16 gauge silver wire
for $1.39 per foot (though there may be a minimum order, I don't know).

--- Art Labrada <> wrote:
> Hi,  I'm a new member of this mail list and new to
> colloidal silver also.  I
> would like to experiment with it for health
> purposes.  I'm very handy with
> electronics and would appreciate it if someone can
> point me in the right
> direction with the purpose of obtaining a schematic
> or instructions for
> building my own CS generator.  I would also need to
> know how to obtain the
> silver wire for the electrodes.  Any help and
> guidance would be highly
> appreciated.
> Best regards to all from Miami,
> Art
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